
Animation Design


What is Animation Game Design & Multimedia Course All You Need to Know

The gaming and entertainment industry is gaining so much popularity among the young generation. Youth today are preferring to opt for Multimedia Course/ Animation Course/ Game Design Course as their professional degree. Top educational institutions like us, LISAA School of Design provide exclusive visual designing courses like Bachelor in Animation and Multimedia Film Making (BAFM).  […]


Observational Drawing

Observational drawing is drawing what you see. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. It can be a flower, a person, a still life, a landscape, or anything, really. But it’s drawing what you see in front of you as realistically and as true to life as possible. These pictures were taken during the […]


Importance of Color & Color theory in Design

Color Colors express joy and give us a sense of vitality and life. We cannot imagine life without colors. Human beings have been interested in colors since time immemorial, using them in all aspects of his lives and making and developing them throughout the ages. Application of Colour Schemes and Colour Theory plays a very […]


Wall Painting

Painting, the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. The elements of this language—its shapes, lines, colors, tones, and textures—are used in various ways to produce sensations of volume, space, movement, and light on a flat surface. Wall painting techniques evolved from cave paintings created […]


Animation Interior and Graphic design – Virtual Environment through Creative Thinking

Foundational training in Design is essential for aspiring designers to develop critical skills in creativity. Our undergraduate students from the Interior Design, Animation, Graphics Design Department teamed up with Filmmaking students in a workshop designed to develop a teaser for a fantasy or science fiction movie that happens in a virtual landscape.