Diploma in Graphic, Communication & Web Design
- To introduce the student to basic graphic design principles.
- To familiarize the student with web technology.
- To Enable the student to design and deploy web pages.
Semester 1
Module 1: Graphic Design for Communication (78 hours)
- Elements of Design
- Principles of Design
- Colour theory and Colour schemes
- Typography and Web Typography
- Grid Systems for Web Page Layout
Module 2: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator (35 hours)
- Introduction to Adobe Illustrator’s workspace
- Vector file formats
- Creating assets for wire-frames and mock-ups
Module 3: Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (35 hours)
- Introduction to Adobe Photoshop’s workspace
- Creating Gradients and Pattern fills
- Raster file formats
- Preparing images for web sites
Module 4: User experience and the web (12 hours)
- Introduction to Internet & Web Technologies
- What is UI and UX
- Website Development Workflow
- Organisation of Data – Sitemaps, wireframes and mock-ups
Project 1 (80 hours)
Semester 2
Module 5: Marking up data using HTML5 (12 hours)
Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver’s workspace
Marking-up data for web pages using (X)HTML and HTML5
B.E.M Model
Module 6: Styling HTML5 documents using CSS3 (40 hours)
- Styling text and other elements
- Box model and positioning
- Testing web pages for browser compatibility
- Upload and launch of a website
Module 7: JavaScript for dynamism (40 hours)
- Basics of JavaScript
- JavaScript and form processing
- jQuery library
Module 8: Responsive web design (68 hours)
- Media query
- Image optimisation
- Bootstrap framework