Product Photography
Taking photos of products might look simple,but it requires a lot of skills and techniques . A good product photo has to capture the viewer’s attention and motivate them to buy the product. And doing that successfully means pushing your creativity to new heights.
Learning how to style products, set up lighting and composite different exposures takes time. Explore how to create simple product-only photos for ecommerce purposes and complex lifestyle photos to show a product in use. At LISAA School of Design, the Photography students have come with ideas of Product photography by using their skills and techniques.
It’s important to use the right space through which light passes through an optical or photography instrument for your image when photographing products.
For product lifestyle shots, the widest aperture is best. It ensures the product is the center of attention. Make sure that you shoot far enough away from the product. This will help create a stronger depth of field to separate the product from the background.
The key to product studio lighting is making sure the product is separated from the background and is evenly lit.
You should also pay attention to using soft light in product photography. Light modifiers, like softboxes and reflectors, can help you achieve this studio and natural lighting. This is because you have to reach even lighting conditions. Otherwise, harsh shadows can overcast elements of your product.
One main form of product photography is product-only imagery shot straight on.. Product-only images capture the details of the subject, such as size and color. Planning makes product photography perfect in terms of the requirements of the product , so it’s always advisable to gather the info you need before setting up your photo shoot.
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