Graphic design – Mural Workshop
Graphic design department at LISAA School of Design, Bangalore conducted a Mural Painting workshop. Murals, however, require all students to work together, ensuring that everyone agrees on and contributes to the final goal. Students thus learn that creativity and teamwork go hand in hand, a valuable lesson to carry forth throughout their lives. This workshop was an intense and condensed exercise. Consisting of multiple phases, students learn to go from an idea to a mural painting.
The first phase is the ideation. A theme is given, on which groups of Graphic design students have to reflect and ideate. This year the theme was wide and open : “LISAA”. After a brainstorming session and ideas fusing from every side, the groups had to focus on elements that they will use in their composition. Some were more attracted towards the architecture of the building, some wanted to focus on students and teachers that make the school alive, others simply wanted to beautify the entrance of the school with a display of the panel of skills we teach : graphic design, interior and product design, film, photography and fashion.
To close on a final design, groups did a presentation of their ideas and visuals in front of the teachers and the Directors.
The next phase is the execution. Once the design has been confirmed, it’s time for students to understand the practical side of the job: defining the amount of paint needed, the color palette, making a list of materials for brushes, rollers, trays, tape.
The last phase is of the workshop – painting! That is often where students realize doing something on a computer is usually faster and easier than doing it on a wall.
The third phase is the documentation :
About their process, taking pictures for their portfolio, and of course carrying along memories with their fellow friends.
If you care to learn further about how workshops are structured at LISAA School of Design, please click below to get in touch with our team.